Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Folkestone
Contact: Jake Hamilton
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories:
a) disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI); b) other significant interests (OSI); c) voluntary announcements of other interests. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Tony Hills made a declaration as an elected member of Kent County Council; and,
Councillor Laura Davison, as a Member of the Corporate Plan Working Group. |
Minutes To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024, were submitted, signed, and approved by the Chair.
An update from Southern Water in relation to the above meeting, will be attached as an addendum to those minutes. |
Minutes of the Finance and Performance Sub-Committee To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024, were submitted, signed, and approved by the Chair.
Cabinet Member updates In accordance with the Constitution Councillor, Stephen Scoffham, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Biodiversity, and Councillor Jeremy Speakman, Cabinet Member for Assets and Operations will be attending the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide their Cabinet Member update. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Jeremy Speakman, Cabinet Member for Assets and Operations provided members with a Cabinet Member update, which included aspects of Health and Safety, Assets, Grounds Maintenance, and Waste Management.
Health and Safety: It was noted the council is responding to an audit, of which an update will be provided to the Council’s Audit and Governance Committee in December this year.
Assets: Councillor Speakman expressed his appreciation for the team and the council’s commitment to take on complex and difficult projects, such as the Ship Street Gas Works and Bigginswood. It was also noted that the council continues to work with Kent County Council in relation to the landslides along the road of Remembrance and the Coastal Park.
Grounds Maintenance: Councillor Speakman congratulated the team on their work and their success with the council’s green flag status. He continued to note the additional challenges due to the extended growing seasons which are the result of climate change.
Waste Management: Councillor Speakman commended the waste management team and noted the new narrow access routes through the district which has resulted in an additional 8 tons of recycling every 2 weeks.
Following Councillor Speakman’s update, members raised several points, including:
Councillor Stephen Scoffham, Cabinet Member for Climate, Environmental and Biodiversity provided members with a Cabinet Member update, which included the following points:
Recycling: It was noted that the district recycles 45%, which is slightly higher than the national average. It was mentioned as to whether we could break through the 50/50 barrier. Councillor Scoffham noted the ‘Raise The Rate’ campaign (details can be found here). It ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
Corporate Plan - Consultation Responses This report summarises the responses to the council’s consultation on the new Corporate Plan themes and priorities and details the next steps towards approving a new Corporate Plan in February 2025.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Adrian Tofts, Strategy & Policy Manager, introduced the item and outlined the report.
The report summarised the responses to the council’s consultation on the new Corporate Plan themes and priorities and detailed the next steps towards approving a new Corporate Plan in February 2025.
Following the above report, members raised several points, including:
· It was noted that the report highlighted several issues raised that were outside of the council’s control. Members asked for the council’s commitment to play a leadership role in bringing these organisations together in order resolve the issues raised for the betterment of the residents. · Members liked the notion of community leadership and asked how we can translate this connection to residents around the work being conducted. · Members raised concerns around MyAccount, and residents being kept informed when reporting issues. It was also suggested whether a KPI could be introduced around monitoring response times. Ewan Green, Director of Strategy and Resources, advised members that the new Customer Access Strategy will consider response times, and how the council provides feedback to residents. · Members raised concerns again around cases not being updated on MyAccount. Members asked for more work around MyAccount to ensure the process/system is working correctly. · Members were excited to see the engagement with young people. · Members asked whether officers had any reflections on the comments raised by residents? – Ewan Green, Director of Strategy and Resources, led by stating all feedback is important, it allows the council to learn and improve.. · Members asked for feedback in relation to the engagements with young people? – Jo Gage, OD and Engagement Manager, advised members that the work to consider establishing a youth forum was tied into the public engagement. The council held two focus groups, spoke with 4 schools through the district, community hubs, and the feedback was resoundingly positive. The OD and Engagement Manager went on to explain that following CLT meeting today, a report to Members recommending the establishment of a youth forum will be brought forward in early 2025. Members thanked officers for their work, and the excellent report. They were appreciative of variety of mediums used to deliver the consultation, ensuring the consultation was accessible to residents.
Proposed by Councillor Elaine Martin, Seconded by Councillor James Butcher; and,
1. To receive and note the summary of consultation responses and the results of the focus groups (Appendices 3 and 4). 2. To note the Working Group’s recommended updates to the new Corporate Plan themes and guiding principles and to provide comments on the amended version (Appendix 5). (Voting figures: 8 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions)
Update on Council's Climate Change and Ecological Emergency Work This report summarises the council’s work on climate change for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC), focusing on the District-wide Carbon Plan and the Sustainable Futures Forum. The report provides an update to the report of 25 April 2023 (ref: OS/22/12).
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Adrian Tofts, Strategy & Policy Manager introduced the item and outlined the report.
The report summarised the council’s work on climate change for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC), focusing on the district-wide Carbon Plan and the Sustainable Futures Forum. The report provided an update to the report of 25 April 2023 (ref: OS/22/12).
Following the above update, members raised several points, including:
· Regarding work undertaken as part of Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) refurbishment of council homes, members were curious as to whether the council could track the amount of money residents have saved since the work has been completed? – Joel Wyatt, Retrofit Manager advised members that due to the energy increases, record keeping, and different tariffs the council would struggle to obtain the raw data required. · Members highlighted recent media reports about problems with spray foam applied insulation in homes – Joel Wyatt reassured members that the SHDF work had been undertaken by qualified contractors and no spray foam insulation had been used. · Members raised questions around the corporate risk register and what risks the council needs to be adapting too? – Adrian Tofts, Strategy and Policy Manager, stated that in 4.2.2 of the report, Appendix 1, ‘Risk’ relates to the wider risks to the district as a whole such as farming, transport, people’s health, and well-being, rather than the organisational risks that are covered by the council’s corporate risk register. · Members queried section 5.1 of Appendix 1 of the report (Page 144 – Residential), ‘Incorporating climate change into Local Plans to ensure sustainable new developments with minimal environmental impact’ – it was noted that the above statement was classified as ‘C’ (Actions not in control of Folkestone & Hythe District Council however are prioritises of importance to the district. To be delivered by other organisations) – Adrian Tofts, Strategy and Policy Manager advised members the ‘C’ classification was an error. · It was noted that sections 7, 8, and 9 were blank? – Officers clarified that these sections are ongoing and it was always intended that these would be completed following the consultation, incorporating information provided by the consultees. · Members were keen to receive more information around the comments received from residents. Adrian Tofts advised members that they received over 2500 comments from the 460 people and organisations who responded, and officers are currently in the process of reviewing and responding to these comments. · Member were keen to know next steps and time scales on bringing updates back to members. Adrian Tofts advised members that they plan to be in a position to bring the item back through the committee process in the new year.
Members thanked officers and congratulated them on the quality of work.
Proposed by Councillor Anita Jones, Seconded by Councillor Connor McConville; and,
1. To receive and note report OS/24/09.
(Voting figures: 8 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions)
Green Grant Programme This report sets out proposals for Folkestone & Hythe District Council to utilise £250,000 allocated for environmental projects for a new green grant programme. This scheme will support the priorities and objectives of the council’s draft District-wide Carbon Plan. Supporting documents:
Minutes: James Wilderspin, Climate Change Specialist introduced the item and outlined the report.
The report set out the proposals for Folkestone & Hythe District Council to utilise £250,000 allocated for environmental projects for a new green grant programme. The scheme would support the priorities and objectives of the council’s draft District-wide Carbon Plan.
Following the above update, members raised several points, including:
· Members raised concern with section 3.8 of the report. It was noted that in the current scheme the relevant ward member(s) are involved with the decisions, whereas in the new scheme they are not. Members suggest that ward members should be involved in the decision-making process. · Member were curious as to when the schemes proposed to start and how it will be promoted? – The Climate Change Specialist advised members that they intend to release the scheme with a phased approach and are hoping to have the scheme approved early next year for release in March/April. Communication will go out via the relevant channels. · Member where keen to understand how the payment process would work? – The Climate Change Specialist and The Director of Strategy and Resources advised members that they grants are paid in arrears, with a phased approach, on receipt of evidence. · Members asked whether consideration could be given to those organisations/projects that do not necessarily have the initial capital.
Proposed by Councillor Connor McConville, Seconded by Councillor James Butcher; and,
1. To note the establishment of the Folkestone & Hythe Green Grant Programme. 2. To note the proposed utilisation of £250,000 to operate the Folkestone & Hythe Green Grant Programme. 3. To note the proposed establishment of a decision panel to make decisions on grant applications as set out in paragraph 3.8, with the amendment/addition of ward members being involved in the process.
(Voting figures: 8 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions) |