Agenda and draft minutes

Task and Finish Group - Delivery of Otterpool Park - Tuesday, 26th November, 2024 9.00 am

Venue: Middelburg Room - Civic Centre Folkestone. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.



To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2024, were submitted, and approved by the Chair.


Introduction and welcome


Councillor Laura Davison, Chair, asked members, guests, and officers to introduce themselves.



Draft Collaboration Agreement

Members will receive an update on the draft collaboration agreement, including: heads of terms, emerging governance overview, and draft timeline.

Supporting documents:


Susan Priest, Chief Executive, introduced the item and provided members with an update on the current draft heads of terms for a collaboration agreement which included a diagram to explain the proposed governance arrangements and a draft timeline.


External guests summarised their objectives and expectations of the outputs arising from the collaboration.


Following the above updates members raised points surrounding resourcing, collateral warranties, joint commitments, procurement processes, external frameworks, timelines and whether criteria should be introduced relating to the facility for a 3 month extension (where required) beyond the proposed 6 month scope of work.


Susan Priest, Chief Executive, along with officers and external guests, explained points of detail and assured members on a number of aspects, and advised they would consider the queries raised in finalising the report for cabinet.


It was noted that following this meeting the intention is to provide Cabinet with a report on 11 December 2024. This report will include a revised draft of the Heads of Terms and will seek approval for the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to enter the collaboration agreement. Members indicated their support.


External guests were thanked for their contribution and left the meeting.


Next Steps


Members had the opportunity to discuss risk and alternative options. They sought reassurance that appropriate consideration would be given and that the council would continue to complete its due diligence in order to secure the best outcome for the district.


Councillors Laura Davison, and Alan Martin, along with officers, Susan Priest, Lydia Morrison, and Ewan Green left the meeting.


Councillor Jim Martin continued to provide the remaining members with an update on broader delivery activities at Otterpool Park, including: the wastewater treatment centre, options for delivering affordable homes, and potential methods of delivering phases of the project.