Notice of Forthcoming Key Decisions
The Notice of Forthcoming Key Decisions contains details of any matters which are likely to be the subject of a Key Decision by Cabinet at their next meeting. The plan includes a short description of the decision to be made, who will make it, when the decision will be taken; details of the planned consultation with local people and other stakeholders; and contact details for further information (including reports and background papers).
A key decision is any decision:
The Notice of Forthcoming Key Decisions is updated 28 clear working days prior to a meeting of Cabinet.
Notice to Hold a Meeting of the Cabinet, or Parts of it, in Private
The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 introduced new requirements regarding the procedures to be followed prior to private meetings of the Cabinet. The public may be excluded from meetings whenever it is likely that exempt (private) information will be disclosed. Exempt information includes information relating to personal privacy, information about Council negotiations for land, goods or services where disclosure would be likely to prejudice the Council’s position, information about legal proceedings, and investigation of crime and security matters.
Where a meeting of the Cabinet is to be held at which exempt information will be considered (and the press and public excluded from the meeting for that part of the agenda), a notice must be published at least 28 clear working days in advance of the meeting, stating which parts of the meeting will be held in private and list any representations made against such a decision. A notice in the form of the Cabinet agenda is issued 5 clear working days in advance of the meeting, stating which parts of the meeting will be held in private and list any representations made against such a decision.
General Exception Notices
These are notices of Key Decisions which have not been included within the Notice of Forthcoming Key Decisions but which must be taken before the start of the first month to which the next Notice relates. The General Exception Procedure stipulates that 5 days' notice of such decisions must be given.
Where a key decision is to due be taken but notice of this has not been given in the Notice of Forthcoming Key Decisions, a notice of the intention to take the decision must be published on the authority's website.